Finding the Right Chiropractor for You and Your Family

If you were in an accident that left you with a personal injury, most probably, you and your family were left hurting with your whole life turned upside down. You are not sure what to do or to whom to turn for assistance. You need medical attention to not only sort out what is wrong and bring relief to your aches and pains but also to help you get that feeling of well-being back into your life. This blog will look at some things you should consider when looking for a chiropractor for you and your family.

Car Accidents and Personal Injuries

Car accidents and personal injuries are a leading cause of death and disability in Florida. Most accidents are a consequence of driver error, including speeding, distracted driving, and driving under the influence. 

When an accident results in a serious injury, it can be a life-changing event. If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident, seek medical attention immediately. Some injuries, such as whiplash, may not be immediately apparent. You need medical attention to determine the type of personal injury you suffered and how serious it is. You may be facing a long road to recovery. 

Common Injuries after a Car Accident

When involved in a collision, there are different types of injuries that drivers, passengers, and pedestrians can suffer. However, injuries can be categorized into two different types:

Impact injuries occur when a passenger is struck by a component of the car’s interior, or is thrown out of the car and hits the ground or other objects. A driver’s head injury from hitting a side window would be an example of an impact injury.

Penetrating injuries occur when loose objects flying around the vehicle strike its occupant. An example would be a window that shatters in a collision and cuts a victim.

Some common car accident injuries are: 

  1. Head and Neck Injuries: the most common are concussions, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), and Whiplash. Some whiplash symptoms include pain, muscle spasms, numbness or tingling, and head and neck immobility. Concussions and traumatic brain injuries can cause a wide range of symptoms, such as fatigue, memory problems, mood changes, blurred vision, numbness, pain, headaches, and difficulty concentrating.
  2. Back injuries are common after a collision. They include total or partial paralysis, slipped or herniated discs, ruptured discs, and nerve damage. Many of them require surgical and chiropractic treatment, and some, particularly paralysis, are permanent and life-altering because of the degree of disability they cause.
  3. Soft tissue injuries affect the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage. This injury is often caused by airbag deployment. They include bruises, abrasions, cuts, ligament or tendon tears, cartilage damage, etc. Permanent scarring and disfigurement can result from these car accident injuries.

Depending on the type of injury that resulted from the car accident, such as whiplash, musculoskeletal injuries, neck and back injuries, or soft tissue injuries, among others, your general physician might recommend you schedule an appointment with a chiropractor.

How Chiropractic Care helps with your Injury

Some chiropractors specialize in the common problems that result from personal injury accidents, helping with the joints, ligaments, spine, hip, muscles, tendons, nervous system, shoulder, and neck. They will make you feel better and provide records and reports detailing your injuries, so your chiropractic care can be covered

Chiropractors often use their hands or small instruments to manipulate parts of the body. They may realign bones or treat internal conditions. Their techniques can help improve mobility, strength, and stabilization of injuries. For personal injury victims, this can mean the difference between an inexpensive and quick recovery and the stress of a long-term recovery process costing tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills.

Chiropractors are uniquely qualified to help patients get back on their feet after an accident. They’re also helpful when filing insurance claims and proving that an accident has injured you. For this reason, after car accidents, more and more people are turning to chiropractic care.

How to Find the Right Chiropractor for You and Your Family

Some chiropractors “specialize” in treating personal injuries. When choosing your new physician, make sure their intake process includes specific, detailed questions relevant to your condition. They should review your medical history and see the results of medical tests, including orthopedic and neurological scans and x-rays from the emergency room doctor.

Before starting a treatment or a diagnosis, make sure they take the time to listen to your story and get all the information they need. They should care about what you tell them and will refer you if they cannot help you.

Seeking chiropractic care as soon as possible after an accident is the most important thing. Many people don’t start feeling injured until days or weeks after the accident. Some injuries are more difficult to diagnose because the symptoms are not immediately apparent:

  • Whiplash: Often mistaken for simple discomfort from the collision, whiplash symptoms may not appear for several days after an accident.
  • Brain injuries: Headaches and confusion can also be misdiagnosed as routine symptoms when they could indicate brain trauma.
  • Soft tissue injuries: While most people are familiar with back and neck soft tissue injuries, they can also be misdiagnosed. Other soft tissues affected by collision forces likely to be overlooked include damage to the shoulders, elbows, wrists, ankles, feet, and knees.
  • Herniated discs: Ruptured or herniated discs can cause severe and persistent pain. Often, they are misdiagnosed as simple aches and pains from the impact of a collision.

Seeing a chiropractor within 24 hours can help determine if you have suffered an injury and allow you to take preventative measures to protect your health.

Chiropractic care after a car accident can have many benefits, such as strengthening the muscles and increasing the flexibility and range of motion following an injury. Also, working with a chiropractor can help to speed up the recovery time and help to manage the pain more effectively. When involved in a lawsuit, being the victim can cause stress on the body, and the techniques offered by chiropractors can help alleviate it.

If you need to look for the right chiropractor for you or your family Injury Assistance Network has the most comprehensive list of chiropractor services in Florida.


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    Finding the Right Chiropractor for You and Your Family