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Consult With the Best Auto Dealerships After an Accident

Your search for the best auto dealerships in Florida ends here. Injury Assistance Network will help you find a reliable vehicle after you have damaged yours in an accident.

Getting involved in a car accident is unfortunate. You have to deal with various types of injuries, for which you need specialists from different medical branches. But accidents do happen and leave you with broken bones, lacerations, invisible injuries, and, more often than not, a broken car. And while finding reliable medical treatment is essential, you have to look for fixes to your car as well. If your vehicle is beyond repair, you may need a new or used car as a replacement. At Injury Assistance Network, we are dedicated to helping you find everything post-accident under one roof. So, why not your car? Hence, we have networked with the most trusted auto dealers in Orlando, FL, from whom you can buy new or used cars at affordable rates or repair yours fast to help you get through your difficult times.

Technicalities Involved in Finding Reliable Auto Dealers in Florida, After an Accident

An auto accident can take a lot from you. Among other damages that may occur, your car is the most vulnerable one as it is directly involved in the accident. Your car may incur damages that a car dealer may be able to repair, or it might get totaled.

According to Florida's no-fault regulations, each driver must carry their own insurance for medical bills or car repairs up to a certain amount. The Florida Statutes 627.736 requires drivers to carry PIP and property damage coverage policies up to $10,000. However, the expenses often go up than this, and you’ll be on the hook to pay for the remaining.

For every type of car damage, your insurance company is liable to pay for the same. However, in that case, you have to abide by their policies and go for repairs from dealers chosen by them. However, you might also raise a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance provider. In such a case, you can look for reliable car dealerships near Orlando, FL, to get the best options. The right dealer will assess the car’s condition and offer a suitable solution, which can amount to a repair or replacement.

Car Accident Evaluation and Assessment

Most insurers will want to investigate a car accident before they pay any compensation. This investigation will occur before repairs and is irrespective of whether you choose their repair shop or not. The rationale behind these investigations is simple - they want to find out whether the accident was real.

Additionally, the insurer also appoints an inspector to assess the extent of the damages to your car. Not only does the examiner assess whether the damages are real, i.e., from an accident, but they also determine the repair costs. The inspector can come to your home or wherever the car is parked and take photos to assess the damages caused.

Your policy may have certain points that'll empower your insurer to choose the repair shop for you, so you can only repair your vehicle at one of the auto dealerships in Florida chosen by them. This means that you must read your insurance policy carefully. This way, you’ll not use an unauthorized car dealer and unknowingly breach the contract’s terms.

Can You Conduct a Personal Evaluation?

Yes, you can always hire a vehicle damage analyst to assess the damages caused to your car. In fact, it’ll be best if you do so. This way, the repair cost estimates will be accurate. This is because the insurance companies always try to reduce their costs. If they can show that the repair costs are lower, they can increase their profits after paying for damages.

Thus, hiring your own experts is in your best interest. Such a professional will estimate the costs accurately (because they don't have any reason to do otherwise), and you can get a clear picture of the damages to your car and how much you’ll need to repair it. This way, you’ll not run into difficulties handling the insufficient sum that your insurer wants to pay you.

If you are looking for reliable auto dealers in Florida after an accident, you’ll find the best dealers with the Injury Assistance Network. We are a one-stop solution related to all things personal injury, and we include everything you may need after encountering an injury in our network. From car dealerships for used cars to dealers who will gauge the damages correctly and offer you a brand-new vehicle to replace your old one, we have all of them under one roof for your convenience.


Q: Should I use my insurance company’s repair shop?

A: Yes, you can. But it will be best if you can choose your own repair experts because they will gauge the costs correctly and provide you with the solutions you want.

Q: What is a deductible?

A: When entering into insurance for your vehicle, clients often have a deductible payment that they agree to. You will have to pay this amount after an accident before the insurance company covers the rest of the damages.

Q: What is the law for reporting a car accident in Florida?

A: Section 316.065, Florida Statutes, requires the driver of a vehicle involved in a crash to contact local law enforcement immediately.

I.A.N. - Your Personal Injury Concierge

From lawyers to medical professionals to everything else related to personal injury, you can get the best of everything under one roof with the Injury Assistance Network. After an accident, you just need to contact the I.A.N., and we will do what is necessary to help you recover quickly and completely.

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