Five Personal Injuries A Chiropractor Can Help With

Personal injuries can drastically reduce your quality of life. Personal injuries primarily affect the spine and neck, resulting in a decreased range of motion or even complete loss of mobility. Automobiles, boating, bicycles, and slip-and-fall accidents frequently result in injuries that render people unable to perform tasks and enjoy recreational activities with the same vigor as before. Due to the prevalence of outdoor activities and an aging population, chiropractic clinics in Florida play a critical role in keeping the residents of Florida active. Here are five personal injuries a chiropractor can help with.          


Whiplash is a common personal injury frequently associated with auto accidents. It is caused by a sudden, forceful impact to the neck. However, it can also occur from other accidents, such as slips and falls. Common symptoms of whiplash include:

  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Neck pain
  • Stiffness
  • Loss of range of motion in the neck
  • Fatigue

Chiropractic Clinics in Florida provide treatments, including spinal manipulation, muscle stimulation or relaxation, specific trigger point therapy, and soft tissue therapy to reduce pain and restore the range of motion in your neck. Personal injury chiropractors also recommend exercises specially designed to reduce disc instability related to a whiplash injury. These special exercises are simple and can be performed in the clinic or at home. Moreover, chiropractors use stabilization and sensorimotor approaches to correct faulty movement patterns. This whiplash treatment trains the nervous system to better coordinate and control movement patterns. It also enhances the ability of the neck muscles to maintain their stability. 

Neck pain

While Chiropractic clinics in Florida frequently encounter cases of neck pain caused by personal injury accidents, they can also result from poor posture and medical conditions. Chiropractors employ hands-on spinal manipulation techniques to reduce pain by repositioning the bones to restore proper movement and range of motion and reduce pressure on the nerves. Supportive stretching and home exercises are recommended to facilitate recovery.

Back pain

Back pain is one of the most common injuries that chiropractic clinics in Florida deal with. It is caused by a number of reasons— Slips and falls, auto accidents, or workplace injuries. Back pain can take on several forms, including:

  • Herniated disc
  • Sciatica
  • Impinged nerves

Personal injury chiropractors target the source of your pain with spinal manipulation, manual therapies, rehabilitative exercises, and lifestyle and nutritional counseling. Chiropractic care targets the source of your pain, improves range of motion, and relieves tension in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments around the spine, facilitating holistic recovery.

Sprains and Strains

Nearly every accident results in strains or sprains, making it one of the most common reasons people go to a chiropractic clinic in Florida. Strains commonly occur due to trauma, overexertion, and repetitive movements. Sprains are caused by falling or twisting the wrong way or forcing a joint into an awkward position.

Strains and sprains might seem like minor injuries compared to, say, a fracture. However, neglecting to seek timely treatment and following a rehabilitative care regime can lead to debilitating pain and serious mobility issues.

A strain or sprain is relatively easy to detect. If you notice swelling, redness, pain to the touch, or impaired mobility in an area that has been injured recently or is feeling sore, chances are it’s a strain or sprain.   

Best chiropractor near me

If you have sustained a personal injury in an accident, there must be countless questions like “How do I find the best chiropractor near me?” on your mind. While a simple search on Google will provide you with a long list of options, you can choose a more efficient and reliable method by seeking the help of referral networks like Injury Assistance Network. Get in Touch with I.A.N to connect with carefully selected and vetted orthopedic professionals with no extra effort. Our representatives provide a streamlined experience to personal injury victims and facilitate seamless coordination between various healthcare providers 24/7. 


Personal injuries can cause far-reaching detriments to your quality of life, from reduced range of motion to complete loss of mobility. Personal injury chiropractors can help with pain management and mitigate risks of future complications. They treat a range of personal injuries, including whiplash, neck pain, back pain, and sprains and strains. 

If you are looking for a certified personal injury chiropractor, contact I.A.N. for an effortless and streamlined experience.


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    Five Personal Injuries A Chiropractor Can Help With