Snapping Hip Syndrome: How Do Personal Injury Orthopedists Treat the Issue

The ligaments and tendons around the hip connect the joint to other body structures, including the thigh and pelvic bones. No matter how strong and tough these muscles are, they can sustain injuries and grow disorders over time. Snapping hip syndrome is usually painless, but the symptoms are quite disturbing. You may feel or hear a ‘snapping’ sensation in your hip after you have been in a car accident or slip-and-fall accident. Unless the victims experience excruciating pain, they don’t bother to visit the doctor to treat the issue. Your orthopedist at Injury Assistance Network first determines what has caused your hip snap. The medical expert might even feel your tendon move as you extend or bend your hip. After getting involved in a personal injury accident, you must immediately consult an orthopedic doctor if you sense even the slightest symptoms of snapping hip syndrome.

Symptoms of snapping hip syndrome

After you have been in a personal injury accident, snapping hip syndrome might start suddenly or may develop over time. Accident victims with the disorder can experience one or more of the following symptoms:

1. Snapping or popping sound when the hip joint moves
2. Visible shudder of hip muscle
3. Weak feeling in the hip and legs
4. Mobility issues and functional difficulties

Most cases of snapping hips are harmless. In any case, you must address the problem immediately after you have been in an accident to avoid further injuries to the nearby hip structures or the tendon. Connect with our orthopedic professionals and receive the best Medical Service Assistance with the Injury Assistance Network.

Types of Snapping Hip Syndrome

Snapping Hip Syndrome is a health condition when a tendon abnormally moves over the bony spurs in the joint area during movement. Then, it will go back to the original place as you straighten your hip joint. You can classify the snapping hip syndrome into several types, as follows:

1. Internal Snapping Hip

The condition happens when the hip tendons shift and catch onto the pelvic bone respectively. In such a situation, the medical expert can see the snapping tendons at the front of the hip.

2. External Snapping Hip

The health condition comes to notice when the iliotibial band moves in front of the thigh bone’s trochanter during movement. Then, it goes back to the previous location with a popping sound when you straighten the hip.

3. Snapping at the Back of the Hip

The snapping happens when the hamstring tendon moves across the sitting bone. It’s a rare type of snapping hip syndrome. In your snapping hip syndrome, find the specialist among our Orthopedic Specialists Florida.

4. Cartilage Injury

The injury can cause a snapping sensation in the hips during movement. However, the condition does not count as a true snapping syndrome as no tendon is involved. In this scenario, a snapping sound might occur if you have a labral tear or injury to the articular cartilage or loose bodies in the hip joint.

When Does Snapping Hip Syndrome occur?

Snapping Hip Syndrome might occur without any acute injury or a sudden increase in the amount of intensity of activity. Repetitive motion might result in tendon inflammation as it affects the body spurs, causing scars in the tendon. Snapping hip syndrome is symptomatic with tight muscles and tendons. Inflated iliotibial bands might also happen due to a direct blow to the outer hip.

Treating Snapping Hip Syndrome – Role of An Orthopedic

If you continue to experience pain or discomfort after being injured in a personal injury accident, connect with IAN to get the best medical service assistance and enjoy a quick recovery. Non-operative treatment is advisable for most of the patients. The initial treatment consists of medication to relieve the pain, stretching and strengthening exercises, and changes in activities that trigger the symptoms. Your orthopedic physician might suggest some simple exercises and bring a change in your regular activities to avoid any regular motion of the hip. In most severe cases, surgeries are recommended for patients with painful snapping and when the non-operative treatment does not work. Advancements in arthroscopic techniques enable medical experts to not only release the tight tendon with the highest-quality technological aids but also to evaluate and treat any related pathology within the joint.

Final Reflections

If your snapping hip is causing discomfort, consult an orthopedist with Injury Assistance Network. The medical professional offers comprehensive and personalized treatment for each patient’s specific needs. In addition to treating hip injuries, our medical service providers also treat other orthopedic conditions at the knee, spine, shoulder, ankle, and foot joints. With the assistance of our dedicated, expert orthopedists, you can get back to your regular life, filled with fun and activities like before.


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    Snapping Hip Syndrome: How Do Personal Injury Orthopedists Treat the Issue