4 Ways Orthopedic Treatment Can Help You Recover After a Car Accident

Car accidents are stressful and devastating incidents. From the shock of a collision to getting the other party’s contact and insurance information, getting injuries treated, and making a police report, it can be exhausting. Then come all these questions. Who was at fault? Who will foot the bills? Should I go to the ER?

Is seeing an orthopedist really necessary?

Answers to these questions might not come easy. Still, one thing is certain: seeking treatment for your injuries is paramount. Even if you feel fine, a preliminary check-up is needed to make sure any hidden injuries don’t hamper your recovery later. Injuries often go undetected at first and show up hours or even days later.

Emergency medical care providers can treat you for external injuries. If injuries require specialist care, they can refer you to the right doctor for treatment. Orthopedic doctors often treat car accident injuries and, in some cases, may be able to detect injuries, especially hidden ones that primary medical care may not be able to diagnose.

Why is orthopedic treatment needed after a car accident in Florida?

An orthopedic specialist works with the entire musculoskeletal system, including muscles, nerves, bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and other connective tissue. They understand the functions of the various joints and treat injuries related to them.

It is recommended to consult an orthopedic doctor after a car accident in Florida for many reasons. An orthopedist can treat a variety of injuries that commonly occur as a result of car accidents. If your injuries require surgical intervention, your primary care provider might recommend a visit to the orthopedist.

An orthopedist treats the many injuries sustained in a car accident, and skipping out on the visit is likely to result in severe consequences. Continue reading to see how an orthopedist can help in the aftermath of a car accident.

Help reduce pain

Pain is one of the main reasons people seek orthopedic treatment. Orthopedists deal with musculoskeletal conditions and injuries and help reduce or eliminate pain. An orthopedic doctor can diagnose and treat different causes of pain all over the body, such as:

● hip pain
● knee pain
● shoulder, elbow, wrist, or hand pain
● ankle or foot pain
● back or neck pain

Consulting an orthopedist is crucial if you feel pain in any of these areas after being involved in a car accident. What might seem like a light pain now has the potential to develop into a serious injury.

Treat fractures, strains, and sprains

Car accidents often result in fractures, strains, and sprains, among other injuries. An orthopedic doctor treats many times of fractures, including:

● Hip fracture from crash impact
● Fractured hands or fingers
● Fractured clavicle or ribs
● Shoulder impingements
● Torn MCL or ACL
● Disc herniation

Orthopedic doctors mainly deal with injuries that can seriously affect your life if left untreated. If you’ve been in a car accident, don’t skip the orthopedist visit.

Treat degenerative diseases

Orthopedic doctors not only treat immediate injuries from a car accident but also help curb the development of degenerative diseases. You may know that car accidents often cause internal and external injuries. However, the impact of a crash can also trigger degenerative diseases or aggravate existing ones. These include:

● Arthritis
● Spinal stenosis
● Sciatica
● Hip bursitis
● Infections after fractures
● Tendonitis
Degenerative diseases can become debilitating over time and should be treated promptly.

Surgical and non-surgical intervention

It is estimated that 90% of patients with orthopedic injuries or chronic musculoskeletal issues don’t need surgery. If you are avoiding seeing an orthopedic after car accident Florida in Florida for fear of surgery, you need not worry. A non-surgical orthopedic doctor focuses solely on treating issues without surgery. Non-surgical treatment options can include:

● Oral anti-inflammatories or other medications
● Steroids or cortisone injections to reduce pain and inflammation
● Viscosupplementation
● Orthotics, bracing, or casts
● Regenerative medicine

The goal of the non-surgical orthopedic specialist is to help the patient avoid surgery. However, in extreme cases, surgery might be the best option. Acute injuries such as complete ligament tears, recurrent dislocations, and displaced fractures can pose significant risks to a patient’s well-being and need surgical intervention to ensure complete recovery. Chronic conditions like arthritis often don’t respond well to conservative treatments, and surgery can be the only option for improving the quality of life in patients.


Consulting an orthopedic doctor after a car accident is in your best interest. However, people often put off seeking treatment because they are not sure which doctor to go to and worry about the treatment costs. No matter what your problem is, Injury Assistance Network has the solution. Get in touch with our representatives today to find the best Orthopedic doctors after a car accident in Florida.


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    4 Ways Orthopedic Treatment Can Help You Recover After a Car Accident