How Does Orthopedic Treatment Help Spinal Injuries in an Accident

There are plenty of causes for back pain or spinal injuries, and in certain cases, a specialist’s expertise is required to identify the issue and create a treatment strategy. These experts specialize in anything relating to the musculoskeletal system, including spinal disorders and deformities. They work as orthopedic surgeons.

Our orthopedic spine surgeons at Injury Assistance Network are committed to assisting our patients in getting back to living pain-free lives. They specialize in treating all types of spine issues. Our spine and orthopedic center works to use minimally invasive procedures when possible, and we will always act in each patient’s best interest.

The Role of an Orthopedic Surgeon

Specialists in orthopedics have dedicated their medical careers to treating problems of the muscles and tendons system, with a particular emphasis on disorders of the spinal cord. You might benefit from seeing a spine and orthopedic center in the Injury Assistance Network if you have persistent neck or back pain resulting from a personal injury.

What conditions do spine specialists treat?

A spine and orthopedic center will only focus on illnesses, injuries, and conditions of the spine itself, even though the field of orthopedics as a whole treats the entire system of muscles and tendons. These spinal conditions consist of:

● Disc degeneration
● Sciatica
● Spinal tumors
● Spinal deformities
● Scoliosis
● Sprains and strains
● Fractures to the vertebrae
● Stenosis
● Whiplash from vehicle collisions, injuries suffered at work, or trauma from sports.

Our medical assistance service experts will always begin with a conservative approach for the majority of these conditions. Since we are aware of the potential effects spine surgery may have on a patient’s general health and quality of life, we will start treatment with non-invasive methods like physical therapy, rehabilitation, and muscle relaxants.

Treatments for Spine

The main structural support of the human body is the spine. It is composed of a network of bones that maintains our erect posture and links the various skeleton components. The spine plays a crucial role in helping us to live mobile lives and carry out daily tasks. Here are a few cutting-edge techniques we use to treat spinal injuries from an accident.


To allow for the reduction of the fracture, we place a small balloon inside the spinal fracture and inflate it. To provide stability and alleviate pain, we will inject medical-grade cement into the fractured vertebrae after the balloon has deflated. The following are some benefits of this method:

● a higher standard of living
● lessens discomfort
● Usually, an outpatient operation
● Reduced risk of infection and bleeding
● quicker recuperation

Decompressive Procedures

Our surgeons can release the compressed nerve roots and spare spinal muscles by using a dilation port. The following are some benefits of this method:

– Enhanced movement
– Quicker recuperation
– A shorter hospital stay Reduced the risk of bleeding and infection
– Almost invariably, an overnight or outpatient stay
– Fusion Surgery of the Lumbar Spine

Spinal stability is restored through lumbar spinal fusion surgery. We can combine portions of the spinal vertebrae thanks to our innovative, minimally invasive techniques. The following are some benefits of this method:

● novel minimally invasive methods
● quicker recuperation
● frequently completed without a patient
● Reduced risk of infection and bleeding

Surgery for Anterolateral Interbody Fusion

Surgery for posterolateral interbody fusion corrects issues with the spine’s small bones. Through the process, the painful vertebral segments are fused to form a single, strong bone.

Transformative Interbody Fusion Surgery

Similar to posterolateral interbody fusion, transformational interbody fusion surgery takes place outside of the spinal canal. To create a strong and healthy spine, bone grafts are inserted in the spaces between vertebrae to promote bone growth.

Spine Treatment Without Surgery

One of the main goals of our work is to create better treatments for spine conditions. We investigate modern practices, tools, technologies, and drugs through our research programs, and we give patients access to clinical trials for novel treatments.

Among the spinal disorders that our specialists treat are:

● Sciatica
● disc herniation
● stenosis of the spine
● spinal stenosis
● arthritic
● fractures to the spine
● tumors of the spine
● spinal infections
● Scoliosis in adults

Most spinal disorders can be treated without surgery. When possible, our professionals in the medical assistance service will collaborate with you to use nonsurgical solutions. Medication, injection therapy, and therapeutic exercise are a few possible treatments.

Spinal procedures

Our spine surgeons are nationally recognized. Among their areas of expertise are:

● minimally invasive spinal fracture surgical techniques
● Anterior lumbar interbody fusions (XLIF or DLIF) using lateral minimally invasive techniques for degenerative conditions, such as back pain, and scoliosis
● Intervertebral disc removal in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and lumbosacral regions
● injuries to the vertebral column
● Nervous system hemangiomas
● tumors of the spine
● stenosis of the spine

Speak with our spine experts

A spine and orthopedic center like those at Injury Assistance Network may be necessary if you are experiencing painful neck or back pain from an accident. Every patient is different, and we think they should all receive the best possible care. We will make sure you are fully informed about the procedures our doctors prescribe and what to expect during your treatment when you visit the Injury Assistance Network. Make an appointment with the Injury Assistance Network to talk about your spine conditions with our knowledgeable spine specialists.


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    How Does Orthopedic Treatment Help Spinal Injuries in an Accident