How Can Physical Therapy Help in Maximizing Your Settlement Amount

Personal injuries are common, and more common is the need for physical therapy after an accident. Those who are in doubt about physiotherapy vs. physical therapy both mean the same and refer to medical experts treating common injuries such as pain, stiffness, swelling, and other musculoskeletal injuries springing from a personal injury accident. 

Physical therapists are also called movement experts at times. They use specialized techniques to help you regain functionality and complete range of motion of the injured joints. It’s a very good treatment option for several types of injuries. However, you may need several sessions of physical therapy treatment over weeks or even months to recover completely. This may cost a substantial amount, which, if you can’t pay out of your pocket, you will need to claim compensation. 

Getting physical therapy treatment can help you maximize your settlement amount and get you the compensation you deserve. Why? Because courts and insurance companies might not take your word for how bad your pain or injury is after an accident. But if a licensed physical therapist marks your pain as a “9” on a scale of 1-10, you have a higher chance of receiving your compensation amount in full. 

How Much Does Physical Therapy Cost?

The cost of physical therapy can depend on a number of factors, including the nature and extent of injuries and others. Although working with a physical therapist is lower than a medical professional, you may need multiple sessions of this therapy spanning days, weeks, or sometimes even months. So, the overall costs of physical therapy treatment can be significantly high. 

Physical therapy consists of evaluating your condition and devising a treatment plan that suits your needs. Once you begin your physical therapy sessions, you will have to pay for the therapist and any equipment you may need to use.  

A physical therapy session can cost $100 or more, depending on the injuries. You may need two to three sessions per week for the first few weeks. And as you can see, the costs can easily add up. 

Who Pays For Physical Therapy After an Accident?

How your medical treatment gets paid after an accident depends a lot on the circumstances. If you have a medical plan -even Medicare – that should be responsible for paying for all your treatment costs. However, your insurance company should pay the costs if the accident is not your fault.

Your Florida PIP will also cover some portions of your treatment. However, for severe injuries, it might not be enough to cover all your expenses, including physical therapy. 

If your injuries are significant enough, the at-fault party’s insurance company is responsible for covering all your damages and expenses. This will include physical, emotional, and financial damages – including any type of physical treatment you need. However, insurance companies are for-profit companies that always avoid paying for damages or paying as little as possible. So, hiring a personal injury attorney who is well-versed in the intricacies of a settlement is your best option to get the maximum settlement amount. 

Can Physical Therapy Increase Settlement Amount?

In short, yes. Attending physical therapy sessions can help you maximize your settlement amount. In fact, not attending your physical therapy sessions when prescribed after an accident can negatively impact your settlement amount.

With physical therapy, each session will document your pain and discomfort. Thus, physical therapy sessions are a running record of the pain you are living with, the modifications you had to make after an accident, and the loss of enjoyment of life. 

These records can then be used to assess your damages at the time of settlement. An experienced attorney can talk with your therapist to understand how the injuries have and will affect your life. Evidence and doctor’s testimony can both act as boosters to maximize your settlement amount. 

If your injury is due to some sports activity and you are looking for sports physical therapy near me, you can connect with the Injury Assistance Network. We have all the services you might need after a personal injury under one roof. Thus, connecting with us is your best path to recovery from your personal injuries.


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    How Can Physical Therapy Help in Maximizing Your Settlement Amount