Common Orthopedic Injuries Resulting from Car Accidents

Car accidents are among the most common reasons for personal injuries in the United States. If you have been injured in a car accident, your injuries can result from accidental force, the victim’s location inside the car, and the intrusion of objects against your body. Anytime it is traumatic to experience a car accident. Unfortunately, if you have been in a car accident, you must know how disruptive the experience can be.

Whether you have been involved in a minor collision or a severe crash, it will cause physical injuries that need repair. One must deal with many issues, including initial emotional shock, worry, anger, vehicle damage, possible litigation, and immediate and long-term medical attention. Some injuries don’t show symptoms initially; one feels the pain and suffering days later. Therefore, it is always suggested to see a physician right away to have a medical evaluation after a car crash.

What is An Orthopedic Injury?

An orthopedic injury damages your bones or joints. Mishaps like car accidents often result in severe trauma. Orthopedic doctors also treat cartilage and tendon injuries. The most common car accident orthopedic injuries include,

1. Whiplash
2. Bone fractures
3. Herniated Discs
4. Bone Dislocations
5. Tendon Tears
6. Sprains

What Are the Common Orthopedic Injuries Resulted from Car Accidents?

It is essential to find an Orthopedic After Injury Florida with knowledge and experience to treat all kinds of car accident injuries. Here we will discuss the most common types of injuries sustained from car accidents.

1. Whiplash

Whiplash results from a strain in the neck’s soft tissues after a sudden, forceful movement. In a car accident, your head moves backward and forward instantly, and it happens so fast that the victim does not even realize it happened.

This kind of neck injury might take some days after the car accident to show up, and the neck pain continues to worsen gradually. If the whiplash does not improve within 15 days, you must get an orthopedic doctor’s check-up.

2. Dislocated Joints

Sometimes, the force of the accident and the body part that’s injured can result in dislocation. The most common dislocations occur in the shoulder and elbow due to a jolting impact on the upper body. Other dislocated joints caused during a car accident include the hip, spine, finger, jaw, wrist, foot, knee, and ankle joints.

Often, the victim feels intense pain after the joint dislocation, but in some situations, the pain is not apparent right away. In any case, it is vital to seek medical attention immediately to check for other hidden injuries.

3. Concussion

A concussion results from sudden jolting that shakes the brain and pushes it against the wall. As the skull holds and protects the brain so tightly, any movement can cause a concussion. The symptoms may not show immediately, but one might face problems with memory, concentration, and balance. The body can naturally heal after a concussion; you must visit a doctor to stop the ongoing or worsening symptoms.

If you have been involved in an auto accident and you are suffering from unusual headaches, nausea, confusion, and other similar symptoms, you must seek medical assistance service as soon as possible. These symptoms can be the latest symptoms of concussion.

4. Bone Fractures

When one experiences a broken bone, it causes extreme pain along with inflammation and bruises on the skin. The most common broken bones from a car accident are wrists, arms, feet, and legs. The fractures are primarily detected in car drivers as their hand placement on the steering wheel during the car accident causes the wrists to bend, or the driver’s resting foot can damage the position of the knee in a collision against the dashboard. One can feel deformity or experience a loss of function in the specific bone structure.

Broken wrists are the most common bone fracture caused due to a car accident. If you experience a fracture in the foot, you might not realize it immediately as you will be sitting down for a long time after the car accident.

5. Herniated Disc

A car accident can put severe stress on the spinal column as your back muscles might tense and strain to keep your body upright and jostle your neck forward and backward. Immense pressure on the spine can result in a slipped disc. Discs serve as the cushion to separate the vertebrae in the spine and dislocation of one or more than one disc can lead to herniated discs.

Herniated discs caused due to car accidents occur primarily in the lower back. The problem, if left untreated, can lead to severe issues like sciatica, numbness in the legs, and weak back muscles, resulting in long-term back pain. Herniated discs in the upper or cervical spine cause severe headaches, vision issues, and stiffness in the neck. If left untreated, herniated discs can bring spinal degeneration and lifelong pain and health problems. Visit the Orthopedic after Injury Florida immediately after a car accident.

Final Reflections

If you have been injured in a car accident, we are here to help. Our medical practitioners at Injury Assistance Network are here to take care of your musculoskeletal injuries of all kinds. Musculoskeletal injuries are the most common type of injuries in car accidents, and our doctors come with extensive experience in treating all types of orthopedic injuries caused by car accidents.


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    Common Orthopedic Injuries Resulting from Car Accidents