How Does Occupational Therapy Help With Your Legal Claim

Many personal injury victims sustain major injuries in an accident, due to which occupational therapy and rehabilitation services become necessary. An occupational therapist will evaluate your physical and mental abilities and limitations. After that, they will develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs. When followed rigorously, this plan should help you bounce back from what you have been through and ensure you get back to your usual lifestyle. 

Many accidents, such as slips and falls, motor vehicle accidents, or dog bites, can alter your life seriously. For that, accident victims often require ongoing medical treatment and occupational therapy to deal with the effects of the injury. There are several benefits of occupational therapy, out of which getting back to usual life is one. However, this may require a substantial amount as you may need to pursue your treatment for several weeks or even months to get out or learn to cope with your condition. 

If an accident that was not your fault caused you this suffering, you may be entitled to receive compensation. And receiving treatment from an occupational therapist can help increase your claim amount. 

Who is an Occupational Therapist?

An occupational therapist works with aging, injured, and/or disabled patients and helps them achieve their physical, psychological, and functional goals. All of these help in improving the quality of the patient’s life. 

OTs will assess your life before the injury and the difficulties you are facing after it. Then, they will develop programs that may include several hands-on and mental activities (depending on your needs) to help you maintain, restore, or increase your ability to take better care of yourself and engage in your daily activities. An OT’s goal is to drive your life to as close to “normal” as possible or as close to what your life was before the injury. They may also suggest modifications for your environment (home, workplace, etc.) to help you cope better with your injury or disability. 

Importance of Occupational Therapy in Personal Injury Settlements

Occupational therapists (OTs) know a lot about how injuries affect people who’ve been in accidents. They understand the problems these injuries cause for the person’s body and mind and the path to getting better or as good as possible.

Besides helping their patients a lot, OTs can also help figure out how much compensation amount someone should get if they’ve been hurt in an accident. Here are some things they might help quantify to help you receive the best claim amount:

Economic Loss

If an individual is facing problems at work, or if the injury has made their work harder or shorter, then that could lead to economic losses.

For instance, if a person used to work 10 hours extra weekly and can’t do that because of an injury, then that’s affecting the earning capacity of the individual, and he/she is procuring losses. 

This is another benefit of occupational therapy where the therapist can help with documenting the pain or disability due to which the individual cannot return to work, which can prove to have positive effects on the settlement amount. 

Attendant Care

Does the patient need help from others, like caregivers, family, or friends, for personal care and safety at home after the injury? If so, then that can be quantified, and a personal injury chiropractor can help do that. 

Paying for Medicine

It’s possible that you have to take medicine to cope with your injuries. The cost of these medicines, whether prescribed or bought without a prescription, counts in figuring out the money you should get.


Can you still do household chores like before? Do you need to hire someone to help with some tasks?

For example, if an injury makes it painful to reach for light bulbs or hard to vacuum, it might cost money to get help with these chores.

So, there are many things to think about when figuring out how much money to ask for in a settlement. But if your personal injury lawyer doesn’t know how your life has changed since the accident, they can’t use it in your case.

An OT doesn’t just understand what you’re going through – they also write it down as a medical expert. Medical records are a strong way to show your situation in a meeting to settle, in mediation, or in court.

A lawyer who takes the time to count every bit of money you’ve lost can get you the best deal possible and make it easier for you financially while you get better from your injury.

If you are suffering from an injury for which you think hands-on occupational therapy would be the best treatment, you can always connect with the Injury Assistance Network. Here, you’ll have access to every type of service you may need after personal injury under one roof.


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    How Does Occupational Therapy Help With Your Legal Claim