Orthopedics after Personal Injury: Five Common Questions Answered

Personal injuries commonly result in broken bones, torn ligaments, and muscles. These types of injuries are not only painful but also hamper your range of motion. When your range of motion becomes limited, performing even simple tasks such as sitting up, walking, and climbing stairs can become challenging. In the long term, these injuries can develop into degenerative diseases or permanent disabilities unless treated appropriately. Therefore, finding the best orthopedic doctor to help you rehabilitate post-accident is imperative.

In this blog, we will answer five common questions people have after a personal injury to help you understand the role of orthopedic specialists in Florida.

What Injuries do Orthopedists treat?

Orthopedics treats a range of ailments that affect the musculoskeletal system. The musculoskeletal system comprises parts of the body that facilitate movement, such as bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves.

Orthopedic treat personal injuries that commonly result from car accidents, slips, and falls, workplace accidents, or motorcycle accidents:

● Broken hip
● Hand and finger fractures
● Fractured clavicle or ribs
● Shoulder impingement: Pain, tenderness, and an inability to move the shoulder joint fully and normally. This condition occurs due to the tendons of the shoulder’s rotator cuff being pinched as they pass between the top of the upper arm and the tip of the shoulder.
● Torn medial collateral ligament (MCL) / anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
● Herniated disc

Orthopedist specialists in Florida also help fend off degenerative diseases that can develop from personal injuries, such as Arthritis, Infections, Spinal Stenosis, Tendonitis, and more.

Surgeon or Specialist?

Orthopedists can be classified into two types: orthopedic surgeons and non-surgical orthopedists. In fact, many orthopedic injuries, including those often resulting from sports activities, can be efficiently treated without requiring surgery. Thus, non-surgical orthopedists are generally more suitable for most individuals. However, they can refer you to an orthopedic surgeon if surgery is deemed necessary.

It is recommended that personal injury victims first consult a general orthopedist, and if surgery is necessary, seek the expertise of an orthopedic surgeon.

Do I need to see a primary care physician first?

Suppose you have sustained injuries caused or aggravated by repetitive motion. In that case, you will most likely need to consult an orthopedic specialist in Florida to prevent severe mobility issues. A primary care physician can help you determine if orthopedic treatment is required after a personal injury.

Orthopedists aid rehabilitation, while a primary care provider provides emergency treatment after an accident resulting in personal injuries. Hence, if you have been involved in an accident and have no idea of your injuries, PCPs are a great starting point.

If you are experiencing chronic pain, difficulty performing activities of daily living, limited range of motion, sprains, or other soft tissue injuries that haven’t subsided in 48 hours, it’s a sign to consult an orthopedic specialist.

Who are sub-specialists?

Orthopedists who specialize in treating specific body parts or conditions are sub-specialists. Sub-specialists have extensive knowledge and experience in their area of expertise, allowing them to treat complex and high-risk cases with better results. Thanks to their expertise, sub-specialists are especially helpful with cases that necessitate surgical intervention.

Moreover, sub-specialists are often involved in research on ways to optimize existing treatments or even develop new and better treatment approaches.

How to Find a Good Orthopedic Specialist in Florida?

Due to the popularity of outdoor activities in Florida, the number of personal injuries is also on the rise. Thankfully, the vast number of orthopedist specialists practicing in Florida means that you can continue enjoying the activities you love even after a personal injury.

At Injury Assistance Network, we help personal injury victims connect with trusted orthopedic specialists easily. Our representatives work tirelessly round the clock to help you find an orthopedist best suited to your needs in your area wherever an emergency arises.


It is important to consult an orthopedic specialist in Florida after your primary diagnosis to prevent severe mobility issues and degenerative diseases resulting from orthopedic injuries.

After an accident, it’s understandable to feel overwhelmed and confused with all the demands for your attention. However, your recovery should be the top priority. This is where I.A.N. comes in to assist victims of personal injury in getting the necessary medical treatment they need to recover fully.


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    Orthopedics after Personal Injury: Five Common Questions Answered